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The Hitch : An Offense in itself

In the second Triple Gun course made specifically for CoachTube, one of football’s Offensive innovators, Coach Tony DeMeo conducts a “mini-clinic” on The Hitch game – what he refers to as “an Offense in itself”, and one of the “core parts” of The Triple Gun.

The Hitch: An Offense in itself includes 3 plays that were first included in Volume III of Coach DeMeo’s Triple Gun Virtual Playbook plus five new plays produced specifically for the new course. Also included is video from Coach DeMeo’s Triple Gun Quarterback Drills DVD that shows him teaching The Hitch to High School Quarterbacks.

Watch, listen and learn about the Hitch, Fade, Seam and Boot passes, how they complement one another, and how easy it is to incorporate the Hitch Game into ANY OFFENSE !

An outstanding value at $19.99, the The Hitch: An Offense in itself was produced in collaboration with Option Central in its Chalk Talk format .

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