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Fly Ball Communiction System


Fly Ball Communication System

Reproduced with permission from Line Drives, the monthly newsletter from Baseball Fit, LLC

One of the most frustrating, and, sometimes, dangerous things a coach watches on the field is his defense try to catch fly balls. Even in the big leagues it is not uncommon to see players mess up this fairly simple play. Too often, collisions and injuries occur.

Among the reasons for this problem is a lack of:

Communication between players

A simple set of rules for players to follow

Not enough practice on this particular skill

So here’s a simple yet effective system that coaches can implement at any level of baseball and softball. If practiced enough that it is ingrained into your players, it will result in more catches made and a great reduction in collisions and injuries.

The basic principle is this:

When two players are converging on a fly ball,
the player that is coming in and behind the other
player has priority

Priorities, or “call offs” are as follows:

Centerfield calls off both left and right field

Outfielders call off infielders

Infielders call off both pitchers and catchers

Shortstop calls off both 3B and 2B

2B calls off 1B

Pitchers call off catchers

Catchers never call off another player

These rules are for when two or more players are converging on a ball. Obviously, balls that are clearly near a particular player don’t need to be called off.

What we want are players who will take charge and make a play, confident that their teammates aren’t going to run into them in the process.

To make this system more effective, have players making a catch yell out several times, “I’VE GOT IT! I’VE GOT IT!” Players that are nearby yell out, “TAKE IT! TAKE IT!”

Practicing this clear communication system once a week for 10 minutes will help ingrain this into your players. Fewer errors and injuries will result.

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