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Why Option Football ?

by Jerry Campbell

The following lists are excerpts from The Ultimate Offense, an eBook that includes Jerry’s offensive philosophy, scheme, defensive naming conventions, and much, much more.

According to Jerry, the following are…



1. The Option is the best way to get ball on the perimeter and attack the outside third. When the defense spreads to contain the triple option, the fullback game gets explosive.

2. You don’t need dominant offensive linemen to have success in an option game.

3. An Option offense makes the defense play assignment football – they must defend the option with every play. This forces a defense to be disciplined.

4. The option will help your pass offense dramatically because it dictates the defensive secondary that you will face. The option helps you predict secondary coverage.

5. The Option controls random blitzing. One wrong stunt and it’s six points.

6. Option football neutralizes dominant players by forcing them to play assignment football.

Option advocates undoubtedly have their share of “who gets the chalk last?” discussions with fellow coaches. In this next list, Jerry addresses…


1. It Is A High Risk Offense – Statistically speaking, there is no evidence to support this statement. Taking care of the football is like anything else, if it is important to you, work at it. Make it a commitment to work ball handling drills on a daily basis.

2. It Is A Run Offense Only – When it is working why pass? The passing game is even more effective because of the defensive emphasis on stopping the run. You can get mismatches and coverage’s that are easily exploited.

3. Option Football Requires a QB With Exceptional Speed – Find the best competitor on your football team, doesn’t require speed it requires execution.

4. The Option Offense is a “good weather” Offense. Triple option has been run in snow, rain, and mud.

Since Jerry got the chalk last here, let’s wrap this article up with Jerry’s …

1. Making the defense concentrate on the fullback, makes the fullback game go.

2. Use Multiple formations and motion shifts and then run the same option.

3. Find the flank; determine which side of the formation is softer.

4. Ultimate Offense formations allow the tailback to catch the pitch (outside runner) and the fullback to be the inside runner.

5. Utilize the play action pass off the option game; the option places the defense in a run play mode.

6. A Staff must be united behind option football and commit practice time to it.

7. Run multiple options.

8. Get the ball onto the perimeter of the defense – this makes the defense defend the entire field.

9. Employ the drop-back game to prevent the defense from ganging up on the option.

10. Run an offense – not a bunch of unrelated plays.

11. Personnel selection is critical – what can your people do! QB is the key! He must be your best competitor, regardless of ability.

12. An Offensive staff must research their option coaching assignments. Putting in the option takes commitment & work.

13. Use motion to try and cause confusion with the defensive assignments.


In summary, triple option football allows you to attack the perimeter in many different ways. The option game is used in the Ultimate offense to set up the box; it must take defenders out to defend perimeter. This is when you run your isolation plays, etc., The Defense can’t gang up on the box. The ability of the
quarterback to read the option is what makes this a sophisticated offensive running weapon.

Surely the best running play is the option. It’s better than others because it makes the game a 2 on 1 or a 3 on 2 proposition. The fewer players involved in a given area, the easier it is to move the football. Option football uses the full width of the field and the more of the field that is used, the greater the advantage to the offense.

Coach Jerry Campbell is a nationally renowned Coach, Author, Clinic speaker and highly requested Football Camp instructor. Jerry is a regular contributor with articles on all phases of the game.

Jerry is also well known among football coaches for his tireless efforts and active participation in the nearly 8000 member strong Coaches Helping Coaches Forum that he launched at his web site at

Jerry has expanded the number of his books that are available in eBook format through the CompuSports Media Exchange

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