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Coaches Must Step Up to Save CFB

Everyone is aware of the Problems with College Football. And everyone is looking for someone else to solve it.
Coaches were not innocent in this, they set the example. What you do matters a lot more than the sermon you preach. Coaches preach loyalty and family but jump ship the first time a dollar is waved at them. LSU’s Heisman Trophy winning Quarterback opted out of his bowl game – awful. But his coach left Notre Dame prior to their bowl game a couple of years earlier. Yes example is a strong teacher. And Notre Dame, the once proud Fighting Irish is playing “rent a QB” & paid Wake Forest QB, Sam Hartman to come to ND & lead them to the promised land but Sam opted out of The Irish’s bowl game. So much for renting loyalty. There are countless examples of these not practicing what you preach. Many examples of either players or coaches “opting out”

So what’s the answer? On this path The Bowls are over and College Football is a minor league NFL. Here are some solutions:

  1. Coaches are bound to their contract until the end of the season. A school can’t have a new coach start until the new coach’s season is over. I know all the arguments regarding recruiting but there are 140:bowls so only those not in a bowl could recruit which would be only teams with losing records. This might increase parity in CFB.
  2. Coaches can stop tampering by not tampering. If a coach knows of a school that is tampering, then call the school out – name names. The penalty for tampering must be severe if proven. I like the idea of a CFB Commissioner. 
  3. NILs can’t be part of the recruiting process or transfer process. No NIL money until the student athlete spends a minimum of one year at the school. So if a player opts out – – no money. The NIL was supposed to be a reward not an enticement.
  4.  No player can enter the transfer portal until AFTER his current team‘s final game.. Ohio St. QB entered the portal prior to The Buck’s bowl game – not a good look.
  5. The Portal can’t be used to cut players by coaches looking for an upgrade. There was a story that NC States Head Coach told their starting Quarterback to enter the Portal. Loyalty is a Two Way Street.
  6. The most important step, to save College football is return to teaching values. Sounds corny but this is what’s needed most. Aristotle said “The purpose of education was to pass on values” Football was the greatest vehicle to do this. It required Courage, toughness, commitment to a cause, unselfishness- a “we not me” attitude. Football was about putting team above self. Football was about working hard and earning your spot. These values were the reward. Football was about what you become and not what you can get. It’s up to coaches to get that back. – TD
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