The Flash Screen – The QB’s First Option
The Flash Screen was always the QB’s 1st look in The Gun Triple. His rule was simple “8 Between the Slots, throw quicks & hots”. He also threw Flash if he saw defensive motion on our motion. So if the…
Unstack the Stack Using a Slot Set
If you want to take pressure off the QB from either a Stack Read or a level one option key like in this case a 61 Defense. Using a Slot Set cause the defense to widen the OLB to cover…
Play Action Post/Wheel – Post
The Triple Gun Post/Wheel is a very effective play action pass especially into the Boundary. The QB reads inside/out - post to wheel. So in this case, the Post is open so the QB hits him for a big play…
Triple Gun Stud Option
The Triple Stud Option is a great way to take advantage of a good running QB. The Stud Option double teams the HOK with the Slot & the OT. The Slot can work up the next level but above all…
Triple Gun Dive With Fake Half Reverse
The Triple Gun “borrows” from every offense. This play was born from the Delaware Wing T & Tubby Raymond and The Wake Forest Orbit Series. This is a perfect example of Tubby Raymond p’s “Power of Sequence” The Triple Gun…
The Quick Game Hitch – A “Go To” Pass
The Hitch is our “Go To” Quick Pass that moves the cains. It’s blitz proof, puts speed in space & is low risk. The Hitch can be called from any formation & coupled with any motion. In this clip, it’s…
The Quick Game Fade/Stick Route Conversion
The main principle of The Triple Gun Offense is Strategic Flexibility. The Quick Game Route conversions are perfect examples. In this clip, The Fade/Stick Combo is the call but the Fade converts to a Skinny Slant because the CB is…
Chapter 1 – Attacking the 44 Defense
This is a free sample of our CoachTube course- Attacking the 44 Defense
The Triple Screen – Flare
The Triple Screen is the single best screen in football because it has 3 screens built in one. The QB has 3 screen options to throw to. In this clip he takes option #1 The Flare to the TB. Note…