Texas RPO – High Percentage Pass
Steve Sarkesian is one of the great play designers in college football. He is also a great play caller. His Offensive Coordinator, Kyle Flood is also an elite coach. Here is a high % RPO pass that is thrown short…
Steve Sarkesian is one of the great play designers in college football. He is also a great play caller. His Offensive Coordinator, Kyle Flood is also an elite coach. Here is a high % RPO pass that is thrown short…
In keeping with the theme of controlling the clock with high % passes, the Hitch is the core pass of the Triple Gun Offense. It’s very high % and can be thrown numerous ways. The Hitch, like all our Quick…
Another Triple Gun Screen, this is the Crack Screen away from Trips. We also use this Screen away from Jet Motion. The QB alway has the option of throwing the Bubble Screen to the Trips side vs pressure. In this…
Yesterday we looked at a free Chapter from a CoachTube course on The Triple Screen. Today we’ll look at The Triple Screen from a Slot Set. So now the Slot Stalks the Strong Safety & the Tackle loops for the…
This is a very special Play of the Day - it’s a free chapter from a course we did for CoachTube on the The Triple Gun Pass Game - it’s a Chapter on the Triple Screen. A play that has…
The High School Play of the Day comes from Trey Owens from Davis Oklahoma. It’s a very well executed Gun Triple with the Quarterback pitching for a huge Touchdown. This is a classic example of putting “Speed in Space" …
The Zone Read is not a Triple Gun Core play, it’s a complimentary play to the Gun Triple. It provides a way to d the ball to a Slot like in this clip. It also provide some interesting RPO &…
This is a great clip of the Gun Triple vs a 34 Defense. There’s a few key things I want you to take note: Notice how the Offensive Line adjusted their “Smart Splits prior to the snap. Note how the…
The simple Zone Dive is a great ANSWER play vs a 43 Defense with a very active MLB. If we are having trouble blocking a MLB because he’s getting into the perimeter then we run right at him with the…
This is a Chalk Talk Mini-Clinic on a unique play which combine The Jet Sweep and the Gun Triple. It’s a great misdirection play that we like on the Goal Line where we are likely to see man defense. So…