Gun Triple Lt. Pitch
The ball is on our opponent’s 8 yard line which some coaches don’t consider goal line but I do. We run basically the Gun Triple vs edge pressure &/we get the ball pitched for a Touchdown
The ball is on our opponent’s 8 yard line which some coaches don’t consider goal line but I do. We run basically the Gun Triple vs edge pressure &/we get the ball pitched for a Touchdown
A special Play of the Day - it’s a podcast I did with Parker Resources on The innovation of The Triple Gun Offense. It also traces how I got indoctrinated into the world of Option Football. I also talk about…
One of the great things we did to simplify the Gun Triple & greatly reduce the risk was the The Hand Off Key Blocked Rule. Any time the HOKi is blocked - it’s a PULL. This makes the read much…
This week the focus is on the Triple Gun Goal Line Attack. One of the features of my new book “Tony DeMeo’s Triple Gun Offense:: An Evolution of Option Football” is an attack for every area of the field: Coming…
A special Play of the Day a podcast with Manny Matsakis interviewing me on Option Football. Manny is an outstanding football coach who I stole many ideas from. He taught me the Jet Sweep Series & gave me some great…
The Triple Gun Vertical Game really gives a 3 Shell Defense problems BUT it means we have to use 6 man protection. So we have to have a blitz answer. By lining up in Twins, the Free Safety is stretched…
Happy July 4th & the Independence of this great country. Continuing Our week of the Triple Gun Dropback Pass Game, today we look at using Trips formation to throw the Dropback Pass. This is a version of the Stretch pass…
This is a Special Play of the Day- it’s a free Chapter from a course we did for CoachTube on the Triple Gun Pass Game. This Chapter is about using Whirley Motion to influence the Secondary to free up receivers…
Yesterday we looked at the Dropback Stretch vs a 3 Shell, today we’ll look at The Dropback Stretch vs a 4Shell. The Defense here is really a Tampa 2 type of coverage popularized by Tony Dungy. So we are going…
This week our area of Focus is The Triple Dropback Pass Game. This is one of the areas that separates the Triple Gun from other option systems. The Dropback game gives us the ability to pick up a 3rd &…