Podcast: TD on Jim Workman Show
Special Day after Christmas Play of the Day. It’s a podcast I did on the Jim Workman Show . Jim was the SID at The University of Charleston when I was the Head Coach there. Jim did a fantastic job…
Special Day after Christmas Play of the Day. It’s a podcast I did on the Jim Workman Show . Jim was the SID at The University of Charleston when I was the Head Coach there. Jim did a fantastic job…
This is the story of a coach that nobody wanted to be their head coach. He was the offensive coordinator of the NFL Champions NY Giants but couldn’t even get an interview for the vacant Head coaching position at Notre…
The Triple Goal Line Run Game is so effective, defenses load the box & often play Man coverage. The Quick Game Slice/Corner is very difficult to cover because if the CB covers the Slice like in this clip. the Corner…
Nothing fancy about The Triple Gun Hammer Package. It’s pure power football. It’s 7 Offensive Linemen, 2 Fullbacks, a Tailback & Quarterback. It’s both FBs leading the TB into the End Zone https://youtu.be/QQMcrHH0fcM
A special Play of the Day a Chalk Talk Mini Clinic on the Triple Gun Goal Line Fade. The Goal Line Fade is more about a 1 on 1 matchup than Xs & Os. The key is the protection (We…
The HS Play of the Day provided by long time Triple Gunner, Steve Weber from Marshall HS in Illinois. Steve uses a little window dressing to the Gun Triple. He sends the Rt. Slot in Motion Lt. & then runs…
The theme for this week is Triple Gun Goal Line Offense. So of course it begins with Gun Triple.In Golf they say “Drive for show but putt for dough” in football, it’s all about goal line offense.. We use Wing…
Jim Rohn was a great motivator because so much of what he said made perfect sense. He had a very down to earth approach to achieving success & becoming all that you want to be.- take a listen to Jim…
So The Triple Gun Speed Option has us pitching off the HOK & Blocking the Pitch Key. The Stud Option has us block the HOK with the Tackle & The Slot Double Teaming it. The Quarterback options the Pitch Key…
If a Defense rolls their Secondary to the Wingover and Kicked the front to the Wingover well then Speed to the nub is a TNT waiting to happen. If they don’t roll the Secondary and kick the front, then they’ll…