The Triple Gun Zone Dive
The Triple Gun Zone Dive is an answer play vs overactive LBs. If you’re having a difficult time blocking a MLB who is sprinting to the perimeter just handing the TB the ball & blocking the handoff key is the…
The Triple Gun Zone Dive is an answer play vs overactive LBs. If you’re having a difficult time blocking a MLB who is sprinting to the perimeter just handing the TB the ball & blocking the handoff key is the…
The Stretch Pattern called into the boundary can be very effective if you’ve been effective running the Gu Triple to the Boundary. In this clip, the boundary Out Route converts to a Go route because the CB plays run &…
The Triple Gun is very good vs an odd front because of Smart Splits & the tight path of the TB. This video includes 2 plays - the first is with Whirley motion which moves the secondary the wrong way…
The Slice/Corner is a great goal line pass or also a 2 point play. It’s a simple read for the QB - Slice unless the CB trails then throw the Corner Route - like he does in this clip. If…
The Gun Triple vs a 44 can be devastating, especially if you get on the edge. In this clip we shift our TB’s alignment because the defense thinks they have a tendency. We use their scouting report against them with…
The Play Action Crossers Pattern gives us 3 level read but the deep ball gives an explosive boost. The good thing is if the deep ball is covered, the QB can dump it off to the shallow drag for an…
Using Wingover presents the Defense with a number of problems that are magnified when mixing it in with many othe formations. In this clip, we run Gun Triple to the Wingover side & the HOK gets blocked opening up a…
The addition of some Air RAID principle made The Triple Gun Offense much more Explosive. We really like using The Vertical Pass as part of both our Dropback Pass Game & in this case off the Inside Zone Dive.. The…
Anytime the HOK is blocked, the QB aborts the mesh & it becomes Double Option on the run. The TB is now responsible for blocking the Scrape LB. in this case, the OT washes the HOK down & the TB…
The key to The The Triple Gun Pass Game is the Route conversions. These conversions make the routes very high % so there isn’t as big a risk of getting behind the sticks. In this case, the Wheel Route pulls…