Taco Stud Option
The Call was Gun Triple from Taco (Tackles Over) with 6 O-Linemen but by game plan if the HOK was inside the Extra Tackle we checked to Stud because the HOK as going to be blocked anyway. Note at the…
The Call was Gun Triple from Taco (Tackles Over) with 6 O-Linemen but by game plan if the HOK was inside the Extra Tackle we checked to Stud because the HOK as going to be blocked anyway. Note at the…
The Triple Gun Jet Sweep is as simple a play as you could draw up but you can add some deception with formations. In this clip we use Wide Ends which is an unbalanced set that looks like Trips. We…
If you want to learn how to teach or how to improve as a teacher than this is the video for you. Vince Lombardi was a great football coach but was a great coach because he was a great teacher…
The Hitch is a great way to pick up 6+ yards with a safe high % throw. It controls the clock & helps move the chains. In this case we throw it vs a good cover 3 team https://youtu.be/hgnAKiqwLA4…
The Gun Triple bleeds a defense by consistently pounding out yards & this sets the table for the entire offense. In this case the QB ducks up inside the PK & drives for 6. yards https://youtu.be/hHYq6NR9NhU Triple Gun Offense…
with the Football season getting under way, it’s a good idea to talk Meaningful Stats. You’ll here a lot about worthless stats from the football talking heads but there are only 4 that matter - here’s my CoachTube https://coachtube.com/course/football/using-meaningful-stats/11888568
The Hitch is a core pass of the Triple Gun Offense. But defenses will try to take it away by playing hard Cover 2. The answer is Hitch/Seam. The Hitch converts to fade & the Seam ties up the FS…
QB ISO is not only a great compliment to the Gun Triple but it’s also a great compliment to the Jet Sweep. In this clip we actually run the play away from anthem Jet motion instead of rushing it toward…
Vince Lombardi passed away 51 years ago but to this day the very mention of his name makes me think of Excellence. Here’s a stirring obituary by the great Pai Harvey https://youtu.be/jEYUgHV9320
The Boot escape off the Quick game is the epitome of Strategic Flexibility because it’s a quick pass that morphs into another perimeter pass based on the defense. Here the QB doesn’t like the Quick Routes so he boots to…